David M. Weinberg
David M. Weinberg is a corporate PR and government relations specialist based in Israel, experienced in the fields of academia, defence and foreign affairs, Jewish community affairs, medicine, science, and tourism – with expansive global contacts in these fields.
Since moving from Toronto to Israel in 1990, Weinberg has served in several public positions. He was a senior advisor to then-Deputy Prime Minister Natan Sharansky and founding coordinator of the Global Forum against Anti-Semitism in the Israeli Prime Minister’s Office.
He also has been a leader of several Israeli defence think tanks, The Begin-Sadat Centre for Strategic Studies, the Herzliya Conference on Israel’s National Security, and the Jerusalem Institute for Strategy and Security. For 25 years, he also has been a distinguished diplomatic, defence, and political columnist for The Jerusalem Post and Israel Hayomnewspapers. His advocacy and communications consultancy, Beyad Halashon Ltd., is partnered with the Aurora Strategy Group.